

Update für den CODIC Code.

Ron C. Haßler & Guido Knümann, CEO´s – Massive structural changes in the market, society and the environment require companies to adapt. Conscious transformation, in the sense of actively managed adaptation, is the strategy for success.

CODIC has embarked on this path.


Focus on needs
The journey began with a comprehensive analysis of the property market and its forecasts. The needs of our partners and customers were always centre stage. Their requirements were discussed in a multi-stage process with international experts, specialists and property market players, and the results were structured and evaluated. The results were then condensed into strategic guidelines and scenario planning. From this, CODIC developed a new brand model for itself that takes into account the new framework conditions. As part of this process, CODIC’s self-image was compared with its external image from the perspective of its partners.

Consistent transformation requires a new understanding of roles
On this basis, CODIC calibrated its services, working methods and processes. Key insight: Adapting services and working methods is necessary but not sufficient. A fundamental transformation of CODIC also requires a new understanding of roles.

From project developer to empowered co-creator
Innovation is rarely the result of a single insight. It is usually the product of complex deliberation processes that take into account different perspectives. Innovative and successful developments in the coming years will only be possible with the best team: stronger, safer and more creative together – the key to success in a dynamic and complex environment. CODIC’s role is to assemble the right team for each task, orchestrate know-how and contribute outstanding expertise itself. But what makes CODIC better? A necessary condition: a mindset that sees transformation as a natural task, embedded in the DNA of employees and management. As a sufficient condition: decades of expertise and a dynamic process refined over the years, one that brings together diverse and even cross-industry competencies and shapes them into a result under CODIC’s leadership. Openness and exchange lead to the right decisions.

Best results through co-creation 
As a “co-creator”, CODIC is optimistic about a future full of possibilities. Our transformation opens up new business ideas and ways to overcome challenges. Our adaptability and commitment to collaboration and innovation enable us to use change as a catalyst for growth. In this dynamic environment, we are more than just developers of sites and spaces; we are active co-designers, working together to turn opportunities into sustainable success.

Repositioning systematically implemented 
We have also consistently implemented our repositioning visually: rebranding as a symbol of change. The corporate design and logo reflect our role as co-creator and our way of working in terms of “connecting the dots”. CODIC looks forward to exciting joint projects and business approaches in this new era.

Ron C. Haßler & Guido Knümann

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